As the newest addition to this group, Marley's confidence and stoke are high. He has a graceful gate, especially for a dog of his size, as well as one of the best appetites on the team. Both for the trail and for the soup!
- sponsored by Michael Green

Falcon is a sweetheart and is always ready for cuddles, however, he is an instigator! The bigger guys often aren't amused by his antics, and he gets reminded he has a lot to learn. He carries a grin along with a willingness to learn.
- sponsored by BuilderFax

Max is a happy guy anywhere he is. His majorly confident personality has developed him into one of the best leaders on this team. He is equal part eager and goofball, and continues to be an incredible part of this team.
- sponsored by Becky Johanson, Heather Woffinden, Sarah Sargent, and Kristy Oblad

Goose is the team cheerleader! He always let's everyone know how excited he is to do his job. His littermates are Chicky, Swan, Condor, and Falcon - every time you say his name he'll howl back in agreement.
- sponsored by Lindsay Burrup

Burner is a tremendous worker. He prefers to rather not be a leader, but as far as a powerful team dog goes, he is one of a kind. Burner lays half his body over whoever is running beside him at most stops, but once in action, he's a force.
- sponsored by Nona Marcelle Safra and Fred Agree

Kilo is a growing leader who has one of the strongest and smoothest gaits on the team. He also jumps 4 feet in the air every time he hears his name, before every run, and every meal.
- sponsored by Shawn Parker

Apollo is most well mannered, and is becoming a super lead dog. He is a fairly quiet guy but doesn't miss a beat when it comes to directional commands. Apollo absolutely loves to hear his name so we say it often.
- sponsored by Prairie Daugherty

Ollie is a main leader on this team. He has every bit of eagerness to learn and to please, and loves every second of doing so. His bestfriend is his brother Max, and they have continued to shine running in lead together.
- Sponsored by Cat Call

Good ol' Kid the bid is adored by all. He is a powerful worker and a growing leader. Kid has a most darling personality with the looks to go with it.
- Sponsored by AboutFace Home Staging and Redesign (Bailey Daugherty and April Johnson)

Zeus is the tough guy of the yard and everyone knows it. From a pup he has had the most boastful personality, and enjoys starting drama in the yard. He is a hard driver, and is slowly discovering more of his soft side as he becomes closer with his team.
- sponsored by BuilderFax

"Quiggles" is loving, wiggly, and loves everything about what he does. He works hard on the line and has been spending more time practicing in lead. His never faltering positive attitude is a huge asset to this team.
- Sponsored by Caitlyn Stimson

Trigger is very humble, and a hard worker, who never fails to present an eager and excited energy to the team. He's a social guy and never fails to sound the alarm if he feels something strange is in the air, keeping the yard safe.
- sponsored by BuilderFax

Rocket is the dog version of a highschool jock. He's big, handsome, social, has a large ego, and doesn't hesitate to let others know he is the popular fit. His massive energy and growing leadership is a huge attribute to this team.
- sponsored by Shelly Silverberg

Sweet Ringo man has teddy bear eyes and a darling face to match. Despite his features, ringo is a team player who is ready to work and see what's around the corner. His foxy traits come from his mama, Saga, and his smarts from his dad, Keye's (Iditarod champ).
- sponsored by Buck, Carrie, and Melissa Stimson

Thor doesn't have a mean bone in his body, and wants more than anything to do things right. He knows every command as a lead dog, but is just a bit uncertain of himself. Running with his team is becoming a huge boost of his confidence.
- Sponsored by Jessica Orrock

Colt, also called "colt man", might be one of the more unique dogs one could meet. He is small, introverted, somewhat has mouse-like behavior, yet is the silliest and most ecstatic little man there is. Oddly enough his best pal on the line is Rocket, who is near polar opposite to himself.
- Sponsored by Bharat Mandava

Atlas thinks that because he has the coolest name in his litter, he's hot stuff (don't tell him he is). He's an aspiring leader, team worker, and sports the fluffiest tail of all. Eagerness and energy makes him a strong asset to the team.
- sponsored by Jasmine Christensen, Michelle Burk, Alex Burk, Holly Ong, Bonnie Rose, and Brook Schaeffer

McCoy is a little dog with a big future. As he's gotten older, his confidence has revealed quick intelligence which is invaluable on the trail. He often puts his intelligence to use by opening every door for him and his brothers. His favorite hobby is to play "catch me if you caaan"
- sponsored by Sandra Hill

Blaze is a very soft spoken kind of man. He is curious and bashful, but doesn't miss a beat. His more mellow demeaner allows him to observe, as he is a very fast learner. He is a powerful worker, and is beginning to understand what it takes to be a leader.
- sponsored by Austin and the Hadleys

Prophet finished on Dallas Seavey's winning team, setting the new record for most Iditarod wins at six championships. At 8 years old, he will be one of three Iditarod veterans training with the 2 year old pups. He has done this longer than many mushers, and his ego sure shows it.
- sponsored by Dog Cabin Resort

~Iditarod Veteran~
Nero is a mystery. You never know what's going on inside his head. One thing we know for certain is he sure knows his "gees" from his "haws". Nero is an exceptionally smart and somewhat spunky leader. He is a HUGE asset to the team, helping train the new up and coming leaders.
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
- sponsored by Tina and Madi Knolmayer

~Iditarod Veteran~
As far as an outstanding leader goes, Bedlam is that guy. He excels in having the patience yet assertiveness it takes to help train his younger teammates. He has done this for many years, and has never failed to be the best sport on the team.
- sponsored by Beau Burk

Butch has bigger brains than he knows. The growth in his leadership is incredible to watch. His behavior closely mimics his dad named Keyes (2017 Iditarod champion). He is loyal, quiet, brilliant, and carries endless potential.
- sponsored by Zion Wynn